Scream is an American slasher film, released on 20th December 1996. It was written by Kevin Williamson and directed by Wes Craven. The film follows the main character, Sidney Prescott (played by Neve Campbell), a high school student in the fictional town of Woodsboro, as she becomes the target of a mysterious killer known as Ghostface. Two other important characters in the film are Sidney’s best friend Tatum Riley, and Sidney’s boyfriend Billy Loomis.
Scream was inspired by Kevin Williamson’s passion for horror films, and was partly based on the real-life case of the Gainesville Ripper. The script was originally named “Scary Movie”, but it was bought by Dimension films and renamed Scream by the Weinstein Brothers, just before the filming was complete.
The film earned $173 million worldwide, and became the highest rated gross-slasher film in the US. It received several awards and award nominations. The soundtrack (written by Marco Beltrami) was said to be “one of the most intriguing horror scores composed in years".
Scream was credited with bringing the horror genre back after it had died down in the late 1980s. Scream was one of the highest grossing films of 1996 and became, and remains, the highest grossing slasher film in the world.
It went on to successfully release sequels Scream 2 (December 12th 1997), Scream 3 (February 4th 2000), and Scream 4 (April 15th 2011).
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