Monday, 12 December 2011

2nd Production Meeting

 Lauren and I have once again got our thinking heads on and we have had a second production meeting.
We have discussed our film schedule and when we think is best suitable for us to meet up and film. 
Later I will post evidence on my blog of our discussions and explain how it will benefit our progress.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Main Task - Storyboard

 ^^ Kimbee ^^                                                                                ^^ Lozbee^^

Me and Lauren have been busy busy bees today as we have spent the majority of our day working on our media coursework. I am quite proud of us!

Lauren has been busy completing another task that will be useful for both of us while I have been drawing out our storyboard.
Here is a picture of some of the completed sheets!

So this means that, while we were working hard, we have completed 4 of the tasks on our L.O.I!

- complete our storyboard. J
- take a picture of the completed storyboard and upload it to our blogs as evidence. J
- create a Shot List using the completed storyboard. J
- create a Filming Schedule - decide when and where we are going to film.
- look at creating a Risk Assessment sheet for our first shooting.
- decide the order of opening titles. J

This means that the only vital tasks left to complete are creating a Filming Schedule and creating a Risk Assessment sheet. As we only have a week left of school before we break up, these need to be completed ASAP. Filming will not be a problem and me and Lauren see each other out of school anyway, so we will be able to arrange a day where we can both go and film the majority of our opening shots. Exciting stuff!

Main Task - Planning Storyboard + Shot List

Today, we have decided on the order of our shots, and which audio is going to be placed with them when we are editing.

We have drafted a rough version of half of our storyboard, to see how we are going to draw our final storyboard. We also have a page with all of the shots, titles and audio in order, to help us draw up our final storyboard and from that, hopefully create an animatic.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Freesound - example clips.

Tonight I have been browsing through some horror-related audio clips on, another audio site that Big P introduced us to a few days ago.

I have found and downloaded a few clips that are similar to what I imagine me and Lauren will use in our film opening. They are brief audio clips to go in the background of a piece to create tension. When I listened to the clips through my laptop before downloading them, I found them quite spooky, so I would like to put the clips to a piece of spooky film and see what the effect would be like with it altogether.

I have uploaded the clips that I downloaded from FreeSound onto SoundCloudHere are three of the audio clips that are on my SoundCloud account:

 Horror clips - Scape by kimchamberlainkba 
 Horror clips - Explosion by kimchamberlainkba 
 Horror clips - Ambience by kimchamberlainkba 

Soundcloud account

I have just registered with, an audio sharing website that I have previously posted about, so that I can upload audio clips and link them to my blog as evidence of research.

I have created an account under the name of kimchamberlainkba. To access my account and hear any tracks that I have uploaded, you can go to

Main Task - Storyboard

The first task on the big ol' L.O.I is to complete our storyboard for our Main Task.

The storyboard will show the different camera angles and shots of our film opening in sequence, so that when it comes to filming, we know what to film, how to film it, and when editing, where to put it. On the storyboard will also be notes of any audio that we wish to add in when editing or filming, and different camera movements that we may use during filming to improve the quality of our work.

Below is an example of a storyboard. It is half of the storyboard that me and Lauren completed for our Preliminary Task.

List Of Importance!!

Today I had a wake up call from the ledge himself, Big P. 
Media is a subject that really needs time, effort and dedication! And recently, myself and Lauren have been slacking on these things... In a previous blog post, I made a point of all the tasks that we have to complete before the 4th January, which realistically, isn't that far away, and we have still only completed minimal tasks. We really need to get things completed, and fast!! Tomorrow is definitely the day for us to really crack down and get things done.

After thinking carefully about what really needs to be done, we have devised a List Of Importance (L.O.I).
We are hoping to:

- complete our storyboard.
- take a picture of the completed storyboard and upload it to our blogs as evidence.
- create a Shot List using the completed storyboard.
- create a Filming Schedule - decide when and where we are going to film.
- look at creating a Risk Assessment sheet for our first shooting.
- decide the order of opening titles.

Crackdown Day!

Tomorrow, Thursday 8th December 2011, is THE day of cracking down on work.

Free time = travelling to the media room to get some serious planning down and get sorted. If we can get as much done as possible, it will make life easier when it comes to practicing techniques and editing, which will eventually improve our skills and hopefully improve our final result.

Level 4!

There are certain things that I need to achieve in order for my blog to gain a level 4. Our blogs will be assessed on the 3rd January so these are things that I need to think about, regardless of my target grade. My target is a B/C so I will be aiming high anyway, but if I can boost my grade then I will try!

Level 4 (16–20 marks)

Planning and research evidence on your blog is complete and detailed.

There is excellent research into similar products and a
potential target audience.

There is excellent organisation of actors, locations and mise-en-scene

There is excellent work on your script, storyboard, shot list and filming schedule.

There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning on your blog.

Time management is excellent - this is clear by the time stamps on your posts.

Thursday, 1 December 2011


Literally, as I type, Big P is showing us, which is a website full of different audio clips that we can download and use in our Main Task.

There is a search bar on the site, so we can search for specific clips. It is something we will be looking into when editing our filming.

                                                This is myself and Lauren hard at work!