^^ Kimbee ^^ ^^ Lozbee^^
Me and Lauren have been busy busy bees today as we have spent the majority of our day working on our media coursework. I am quite proud of us!
Lauren has been busy completing another task that will be useful for both of us while I have been drawing out our storyboard.
Here is a picture of some of the completed sheets!
- complete our storyboard. J
- take a picture of the completed storyboard and upload it to our blogs as evidence. J
- create a Shot List using the completed storyboard. J
- create a Filming Schedule - decide when and where we are going to film.
- look at creating a Risk Assessment sheet for our first shooting.
- decide the order of opening titles. J
This means that the only vital tasks left to complete are creating a Filming Schedule and creating a Risk Assessment sheet. As we only have a week left of school before we break up, these need to be completed ASAP. Filming will not be a problem and me and Lauren see each other out of school anyway, so we will be able to arrange a day where we can both go and film the majority of our opening shots. Exciting stuff!
Well done my busy little bees! You are being very industrious and have brought great honour to our hive.